Mr. Patrick Lim Hong Liam PHF
Founder and Managing Director of Telegraph Business Systems Pte. Ltd.

I came from a very humble background and had limited education opportunities. I started work at a young age in an MNC, did extremely well and rose quickly to become a Head of Department. However, I was keenly aware that due to my educational qualifications, my career advancement in the MNC would be limited. Being young was an advantage, so I took the leap of faith and decided to venture out on my own. I told myself that even if I failed, I could start all over again.
Together with a friend, I set up a telecommunications company that specialized in telephone systems, closed-circuit television, other security installation and operation services. I had naively thought that with the business contacts established during my stint in the MNC, things would quite easy. In reality, as the owner of a new set-up, I had to manage everything on my own and there were loads of challenges. Providing installation or technical services was the easy part. The hardest task was to develop my own customer base. When I was working in the MNC, I would be readily welcomed by customers with open arms. However, when I struck out on my own, prospective customers often gave me the cold shoulder or totally ignored me. It was very common in the early days that I was made to sit and wait very long for customers at their offices. And I remembered one incident vividly. A prospective customer yelled at me to “GET OUT!’ as I did not have a prior appointment with him. It was utterly embarrassing but I still respectfully handed him my name card, humbly introduced myself and explained the scope of services that my company provided. I told him that he could contact me anytime if necessary. Sensing my sincerity, he accepted my name card. And to my pleasant surprise, a few days later, that customer called me and gave me a business deal ! That valuable experience reminded me of a Chinese saying “精诚所至,金石为开” (literally translated to “sincerity opens golden rock”) which means that with sincerity, one will be able to solve problems, overcome challenges and reap many rewards. And it has been my mantra ever since.
With sincere attitude, comprehensive service and excellent product performance, my company gradually built up our good reputation over the years. We have been Panasonic’s Master Dealer for their telephone systems for several years and are also now a Channel Partner of SingTel. It has been our honor and pride to be recognized by the giants in the industry.
After more than thirty years of running the company, I was already preparing to let my next generation take over soon. However, the COVID-19 pandemic that began in early 2020 brought on unprecedented challenges and pressure to many businesses. Several companies were operating on work-from-home basis and that posed many difficulties for us as we were unable to install the services promptly since no one was available at the work sites or customer offices. Projects had to be delayed for a long time. Fortunately, SingTel launched several attractive promotions to end users and that helped to bring in new deals for my company.
I have always subscribed to the old Chinese saying 福祸相依,处之泰然 (literally translated to “blessings and misfortunes may come together but we should remain composed”). I am ever grateful for what I have now, as compared to the hardship which I endured when my career first started. In the future, we shall let the younger generation who are more well-educated and resourceful take over the reins. I believe that with the blessing of their parents, the young ones will be able to aim high, go far and excel in whatever they do.

Sincerity Opens Golden Rock
Mr. Patrick Lim Hong Liam PHF